New site

New site

It’s mid January and Outhouse is getting a new home on the web.

Many business sites are built to relentlessly “sell at you”.

Of course we’d love you to commission us to undertake a production but we firmly believe that in order to do it and your reputation the most good, we both need to really understand your purposes and what you want from the work.

Outhouse web

So we like to get to know our clients a little better so that we can really tailor our work to meet their needs and to fit into their strategies even beyond the film.

These occasional blog posts are an invitation to interact with us as people as well as film-makers. You’re very welcome to add a comment to any post. Perhaps this would be as good a place as any for the conversations to begin.

Of course, if you want to contact us direct you can email or simply go to the Contact page.

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