Video player tests
Here are current contenders for embedding video and for a gallery page. All except Wonderplugin are available as installs.
It would appear that regardless of plugin, embedded Vimeo content only plays in HD from a pro account. Perhaps biting the bullet is inevitable.
Advanced Responsive Video Embedder (in use)
This film has a test of the new (May 17) Vimeo embedding facility incorporated. This brings up a customisable “call to action” and clickable web link at the end of the film.
WP Video Lightbox (deleted)
This embeds video in a page using shortcode
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=”115922015″ width=”640″ height=”480″ anchor=”click here to open vimeo video”]
or we can use the Vimeo thumbnail as an anchor
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=115922015 width=800 height=450 auto_thumb=”1″]
Huzzaz Video Gallery (deleted)
[huzzaz id=”outhouse” vpp=”4″ height=”700″ color=”red” “bg=white”]
Vimeography (in use)
Seems to be pretty nimble at creating galleries – the pro version gives more flexibility. Currently operational at the Gallery page using the built-in basic theme. I’d recommend that we spend $29 on either the the Timber or Greyscale theme (I favour the latter).
Vimeography Error: a Vimeography gallery with an ID of "1" was not found.WonderPlugin Grid Gallery (deleted)
WordPress Grid Gallery Plugin
The free version adds a watermark. Paid version is $59 for 6 months of updates.
[wonderplugin_gridgallery id=”1″]
Vimeo embed code
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